telc C1 Hochschule preparation

Official Exam Center

... because at KK you prepare for the TestDaF / Telc exam properly as well as pass the exam in our official examination center.

With our telc C1 Hochschule preparation course we prepare you optimally for the telc C1 Hochschule exam in four weeks. Your exam place is automatically reserved for you as one of our telc C1 Hochschule prep course students. The prerequisite for participation in our telc C1 Hochschule preparatory course is proof of the B2/C1 level or participation in our B2/C1 courses. Based on our 25 years of experience, our C1 intensive course + telc C1 Hochschule preparation course is your ideal exam preparation.

We also offer a TestDaF preparation course on request.

The telc C1 Hochschule exam is a mandatory exam for admission to a German university. Usually you have to pass both parts (written and oral) of the telc C1 Hochschule exam. For exceptions and specific regulations at your university or educational institution, please inform yourself locally.

Our telc C1 Hochschule prep course runs over 4 weeks, Monday to Friday, from 9:30 am to 2 pm, for a total of 100 lessons of 45 minutes each. The course takes place from Monday to Thursday as a face-to-face course and on Friday as supervised self-study. The course therefore consists of 80 face-to-face lessons and 20 supervised online lessons.

In order to pass the telc C1 Hochschule exam as comfortably as possible in four weeks, you should already have a solid C1 level before the course. You can do this with a C1 Intensive Course or with an official C1 Certificate (Goethe Institut, … ).


Our telc C1 Hochschule prepartion course focuses precisely on the specific types of tasks and skills of the telc C1 Hochschule exam. We work on the strategies for selective reading comprehension, reasoning or discussing essays. In addition, we discuss typical topics in natural sciences or humanities and simulate the oral exam.

Halfway through the course, you will take a practice exam, acquainting yourself with the real exam requirements. This "telc C1 Hochschule stress test" gives you a feeling for the language level of the typical tasks and for the available time given for the telc C1 Hochschule.

Based on your test result, the instructor can provide you with valuable tips and additional tasks.

Next course start date


On request, we also take care of your accommodation in Dresden – whether in a Dresden host family, in a colorful residential community or in a private apartment: there is a proper roof over your head for every need and budget.



At Kästner Kolleg you are part of the international language family. In addition to intensive morning learning, we also enjoy the afternoons and weekends. We celebrate together, do sports, experience and participate in cultural experiences together.


iconsWerbeagentur Dresden