Plastic is the “plague of our century”. We are burdening our planet – and with it ourselves – ever increasingly. Three quarters of the floating matter in the seas are plastic. In some parts of the world, ships can no longer dock because of mountains made from plastic washed ashore. Plastic kills directly. For example, sea animals starve on a full (plastic) stomach or get tangled and strangulate in plastic. Micro plastic is now detected in Antarctica and in our blood. Invisible to our eyes, micro plastics float as toxic plankton in the oceans – and finally return to the human food chain via the fish we eat. Bacteria use drifting plastic as a “taxi” for diseases such as cholera. Plasticizers and other additives gradually kill by causing cancer and rendering impotency. …
What kind of news is needed? Are only bans helping, such as the recent promises in the EU or the ban on plastic bags in the country of Kenya? When, and most of all, HOW do we get out of our "comfort zone of a calm conscience with a recycling bin".
Now we are certainly not Don Quixote, who fights against plastic mills without making progress. But we can start with ourselves at any time, and quite painlessly, with abandonment.
We, especially in the richer countries, can make conscious decisions against plastic: whether we avoid it altogether or simply avoid using low-plastic packaging in everyday shopping; whether we decide to buy clothes with little or no plastic parts or when making larger purchases, such as furniture, low-plastic alternatives are used creating sustainability.
We would like to set an example with our "Low Plastic Location" campaign. We want to sensitize ourselves and hopefully also you – for (or better against) the careless use of plastic – because we believe consciousness is always more effective and sustainable than prohibitions and irreversible diseases – and so on …
Since the expansion of Kästner Kolleg in 2013, we have been following the above criteria and are qualified to hold the LoPlaLo certificate. Stop by and see for yourself.)!
And if you want to convert your workplace or a facility that you know to LoPlaLo, then contact us. Send us a description with photos about your project. We will help you with the implementation and an independent committee will then decide to award the LoPlaLo certificate to your location.
The seal shows that you are consciously committed to a low-plastic environment. You can proudly hang it on the wall or display it on your website. And best of all: you and your fellow human beings live one piece of plastic poorer – thereby becoming richer.
Tell others about this campaign too, because:
"How do you prevent a drop of water from drying out …
…by throwing it into the sea."
Joining is easy: Start with your home, with your workplace, with your everyday life or in a public space. The following LoPlaLo criteria can be your guide and inspiration.

LoPlaLo criteria
- For all new purchases, pay attention to plastic alternatives or at least a small amount of plastic
- When renovating your location, use natural materials, e.g. for walls and floors.
- Decide on low-plastic alternatives for things of daily use, work materials and packaging
- Where plastic is unavoidable, pay attention to recyclability and proper disposal.
- If you need to buy technical equipment, for example, you should opt for sustainability (Blue Angel) according to the principals of reusability, longevity, reparability and modular design.
Following you can see some aready certified LoPlaLos

Elbe river shore in Meißen

Language school Kästner Kolleg in Dresden

Language School Tandem in Cologne

Private apartement in Meißen

Private House near Meissen