telc C1 Hochschule preparation

Official Exam Center

... because at KK you prepare for the TestDaF / Telc exam properly as well as pass the exam in our official examination center.

Our telc C1 HS course will prepare you optimally for the telc C1 Hochschule exam in four weeks. Best of all, a place in the next exam is already reserved for all our course participants. From our 25 years of experience, we know that the combination of C1 intensive course + telc C1 Hochschule preparation course maximizes your chances of passing the exam the first time. This course will also help you immensely to achieve a good exam grade.

We also offer a TestDaF preparation course on request.

The “Telc C1 Hochschule” exam is a compulsory exam for admission to a German university. As a rule, you must pass both parts of the telc C1 Hochschule exam – nowadays often even with a good grade. Please contact your university or educational institution for information on the specific regulations.

Our telc C1 Hochschule preparation course runs for 4 weeks, Mondays to Fridays, from 09:30-14:00, for a total of 100 lessons of 45 minutes each. On two Fridays there are online practice tests in which you complete a full telc C1 HS. By analyzing your results, we can give you valuable feedback and adjust the course to your individual needs.

The course is primarily strategy training with lots of valuable tips and practical examples. Knowledge of grammar and vocabulary at C1 level is largely assumed.

To have a good chance of passing the exam, you should already have a solid B2 / C1 level before the course. You can achieve this, for example, with an intensive C1 course at the Kästner Kolleg in Dresden or online. If you have an official C1 certificate (Goethe Institute, …), this is equivalent proof.


Our telc C1 Hochschule preparation course focuses precisely on the ten specific task types and skills of the telc C1 HS exam. We train strategies such as selective reading comprehension, key word strategies, exclusion procedures, argumentation structures, efficient listening comprehension strategies and oral presentation and discussion variations, including speaking techniques. We also write controversial discussions and acquire relevant vocabulary from all scientific fields. In addition, we simulate complete examination sections and give you valuable corrections, feedback and further learning tips.

During the preparation course, you will take a mock exam to familiarize yourself with the real exam requirements. This “telc C1 Hochschule stress test”, that our participants find extremely helpful, will give you a feel for the language level, the typical procedure and the time frame available for the telc exam.

I really enjoyed our preparation course and I am convinced that it undoubtedly helped me to prepare for the exam, as well as the whole study at Kästner Kolleg (B2-C1). This month was very productive: first we worked with an excellent textbook that helped us to understand the approach to the tasks, and later with additional materials. We not only solved tests, but also broadened our horizons on various topics. The teachers were just great, there was a very thorough review of our written and oral skills, which helped me a lot in the exam, so there were no surprises.

(Daria, participant of the preparation course “telc C1 Hochschule”)

Next course start date


On request, we also take care of your accommodation in Dresden – whether in a Dresden host family, in a colorful residential community or in a private apartment: there is a proper roof over your head for every need and budget.



At Kästner Kolleg you are part of the international language family. In addition to intensive morning learning, we also enjoy the afternoons and weekends. We celebrate together, do sports, experience and participate in cultural experiences together.


iconsWerbeagentur Dresden